“Love Your Life”

Your Healing Journey

“We but mirror the world.
All the tendencies present in the outer world
are to be found in the world of our body.

If we could change ourselves,
the tendencies in the world would also change.

As a man changes his own nature,
so does the attitude of the world change towards him.

This is the divine mystery supreme.
A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness.
We need not wait to see what others do.”

Mahatma Gandhi

The Beginning…

Let’s just talk for a moment about how, you accepting you, maybe you being in love with you, and you loving your life, is the true beginning of your healing journey.

Living our lives from a place of unconditional love, without judgement, in gratitude and joy is something we all strive for, but seems unattainable.

At our first meeting, we speak about emotional, physical and spiritual areas of your life path you would like to know more about, your intentions, goals, and passions, and different gifts of wellness you may choose as part of your healing journey. As an intuitive medium and healer I sometimes see hints of your life path (or your pets life path if our conversation is about them) which have allowed you to hold on to an identity that although understandably present, may not yet be serving your highest purpose. But, knowing there are no coincidences, you have options to translate and use these life circumstances as fuel to propel you into a joyous dimensional learning experience. With spontaneous bursts of laughter, ah ha moments of perfection, and personal clarity meant only for your eyes to see, Your Healing Journey becomes “Your Personal Love Journey”, is specific, and evolves as you move through layers of your life with clarity, your step a bit lighter, feeling grateful and more blessed than usual, as a stronger, ever present, and freer version of you.

Together, using advanced energy healing therapies, food healing, mentorship, contemplation and deep conversation, we create a closer understanding as to how these areas became a part of you, and how you can use them to ultimately create the outcomes you would like to see in your life. Its a whirlwind of thoughts, emotions and transitions, but I will stand beside you, walk with you, and gently invite you to acknowledge and love the temple called home within your self.

At any time, one of my favorite parts of this journey is watching you see the mirror that is you, and taking back the power that allows you to evolve into the person you know you truly are, and came here to BE. A rock star individual, not to be compared to any other, its time to discover YOU, your light, and your passion, allowing the sacred love Be-ing within you, to Be-come you.

We are “All One” and engaged in this wholistic journey together. My sincere wish is to inspire you, with personal wellness tools, opportunities and colorful horizons designed to feed your body, heal your mind, and nourish your soul. You, are the creator of your life, your grandest manifestations appearing before you in every moment.

Honestly, My heart beams emerald green flares, watching you rejoice in the belief that in your imperfect perfection,
You are amazing, and always, in all ways, graciously enough.

Close your eyes ~ Visualize ~ Let’s begin.

This is, “Your Personal Love Journey”.


Love your Life Holistic Coaching

“Love Your Life”
Your Personal Healing Journey Consult for a Person or Pet
(Phone Consult)

Wholistic Health, Emotions & Life Path Balance for the Body, Mind & Spirit.
1 hour 30 min

Love your Life Holistic Coaching

“Love Your Life”
Three Healing Journey Consults
& Three Advanced Energy Therapy Blessings
(In Person)

Wholistic Health, Emotions & Life Path Balance for the Body, Mind & Spirit.
9 hours

Love your Life Holistic Coaching

“Love Your Life”
Three Healing Journey Consults
& Three Advanced Energy Therapy Blessings
(By Phone)

Wholistic Health, Emotions & Life Path Balance for the Body, Mind & Spirit.
9 hours

Positive Life Force Mentoring

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