Herbal AloeForce


Closest to Nature is BEST! 

* Safe for All Ages
* Safe for Pets Too!
* Juice and Topical Products
* 100% RAW-Purified
* Laxative Free
* Gluten-Free & Vegan

Discover why the Aloe Vera Plant is the Herbal Answer for all your Health Needs! Why the “Live” RAW Aloe Vera Plant goes beyond digestive and elimination health to feed the very mechanisms of unfolding health in every cell throughout our bodies! How It is the ONLY “Live” RAW whole Aloe Plant that will demonstrate ALL of the astounding research on Aloe Vera’s immune enhancing properties! We’re just NOW finding out why aloe’s legendary promise is finally available to truly support YOUR Health. Experience the Full-Life-Force of Aloe as Originally Designed by Nature. Our Bio-Protective™ processing protects Aloe’s intricately woven constituents and structure needed to feed the cells, tissues and organs of our bodies as only a RAW, “live,” whole food can. We invite you to explore the Truths and Full Promise of the Aloe Vera Plant to Inspire your Desire to Experience Nature’s Gift to Feed Your Body’s Health!


Aloe Vera is a Complex and Intricately Structured Plant. The Aloe Vera Plant is the most self-sufficient plant on earth. The Aloe Plant is designed by Nature to be self-healing, self-hydrating, and a manufacturer of its own profound growth. The Aloe Plant thrives in the desert transforming the blazing sun, through the earth, into a fountain of living waters – a virtual oasis in the desert. The Aloe Vera Plant offers us the powerful Life-Force of the Sun and Earth it has captured and transformed or manifested into a plant that is like no other. It is classified as an herb due to its medicinal value. But it also can be thought of as a fruit (as it is mainly living water), a vegetable as we eat the whole plant and has many nutrients – it is truly in a class by itself.

When Hippocrates spoke of letting Food be Thy Medicine surely he must have been talking about the Aloe Vera plant. The Aloe Plant is a whole food that feeds us with its self-sufficient, hydrating and growth manufacturing properties and feeds our cells and our immune system in profound ways. We will touch on some of these here and remember – only the fresh Aloe Plant and “live” raw, whole Aloe Vera (not cold processed but raw) will have these properties.

Aloe has been found to have over 250 naturally occurring constituents. These constituents are interlaced in a base of water with a design that miraculously delivers its nutrients in unique ways:

  • It has properties that make it a fruit, vegetable and an herb! 
  • It has enzymes that the body needs that are not found in any other plant. 
  • It is the only plant source of vitamin B12. 
  • It is the most potent source of the largest immune enhancing polysaccharides (our bodies stop producing these at puberty), and more. 
  • To say it is nutritious is quite an understatement. It seems to be the most health supporting plant possible and should be a fundamental staple of everyone’s nutritional health care regimen.

​Among its 250 naturally occurring nutrients and cofactors are: Vitamins/Minerals (vitamins C, A,E,B-1,2,6,12, zinc, beta carotene, calcium, niacinimide, folic acid, carotene, choline, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium…the only known plant source of vitamin B12), Enzymes* (including digestive enzymes, amylase, lipase, oxidase, lactic dehydrogenase…)[easily broken down by heat] Growth factors* (gibberellin, auxin…) Amino acids 9 of 10 essential amino acids (only missing tryptophan), glutamic and glutanic acids, glycine, histidine, tyrosine…. Essential fatty acids Plant Sterols* Antiseptic & analgesic compounds* (salicylic acid, lupeol, sulfur, cinnamonic acid, phenol…) Glycoproteins Polysaccharides -fresh aloe contains the full range of all sizes of the long-chain, intricate, delicate (easily damaged) polysaccharides also known as mucopolysaccharides, MPS, Beta-linked glucomannans (including the Beta- 1,3; Beta-Glucan and the Beta-1,4 known as Acemannan). It is important that these nutrients be protected as they are responsible for most of the immune enhancing properties documented by research. To see how Aloe combines these nutrients to act like an herbal orchestra, read this article by Dr Robert Davis, PhD.

Hand-Selected Ingredients

​Herbal Answers’ Unique, Pure Aloe-Herbal Extraction Process and Herbal Delivery System: No Alcohol, No Heat, or Harsh Solvents are ever used.The Aloe itself is used as the extracting agent, thus incorporating the herbs directly into the Aloe Vera. (Other herbal juice products simply add herbal extracts). Pure, Potent, Safe and Effective herbal extraction and herbal delivery system. The penetrating aloe draws itself with the herbs into cells throughout the body like no other substance known. Why AloeForce is so special?


Cats Claw (uña de gato) This herb is derived from the inner bark, the optimum form of the Uncaria Tomentosa plant, indigenous to the Peruvian rain forests. It has been used for centuries in South America for everything in need of miraculous immune enhancement. It contains compounds known as oxindole alkaloids which have been shown to have a wide variety of properties.

Cats Claw contains isopteropodine (Isomer A), found to be the most effective on the immune system. Isomer A has been shown in laboratory testing to have a pronounced enhancement effect on phagocytosis (the ability of the white blood cells and macrophages to attack, engulf, and digest harmful micro-organisms, foreign matter, and debris). Studies on Cat’s Claw being conducted all over the world have identified many beneficial isolated constituents, and like Aloe, several of these have received pharmaceutical patents.

The “Essiac” herbs, also known as “Caisse’s Tea” (Sheep Sorrel, Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Rhubarb Root): “Essiac” is widely known for its use with cancer by native Canadians who gave the formula to a nurse, René Caisse. She collected 55,000 written testimonials from those witnessing the many benefits of these herbs with their oxygenating properties for cancer, viruses, severe allergies, asthma, ulcers, general digestion and overall immune system improvement.

Astragalus Chinese herb used for centuries for a wide variety of ailments including diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Recent studies in Chinese medical journals suggest it may help activate the immune system, may prevent the spread of cancer cells to healthy tissue, and is routinely given to those undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.

Pau d’Arco Known as a natural antibacterial agent, blood cleanser and immune enhancer. Known for its use against all types of infection and used for centuries in South America for cancer.

Hawthorn Berry Known as a heart tonic for its enhancement of the circulatory system (heart muscle, blood vessel dilation, balancing cholesterol)

Chamomile Known and widely used medicinally in Europe with reports of its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and soothing and calming effects. Also known for its use as a digestive and irritable bowel aid.


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